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The Early Service

Quiet service at 8 a.m. in the Sanctuary.

The Ten on Sundays

is livestreamed on Facebook and in the Sanctuary.

Good preaching, hymn singing and Holy Communion.


Wednesday Contemplative Prayer 5-5:30 and Compline 5:30-5:45  is offered on Zoom.


Friday Noonday Prayer 12-12:30 is offered on Zoom.


We always welcome visitors and new members to our church at any stage of your journey.



Email:  nativityonthehill

333 Ellen Drive

San Rafael, CA 94903

Season of Lent

Sunday Worship at 8 and 10 a.m. 

 Seasonal Bulletin and insert are available here.

Facebook livestream is here.

Please contribute to the Nativity Survey.  It takes 5 minutes and will provide the vestry with important information as we continue to discern the future of Nativity.

Who is My Neighbor?  Join our weekly task force meeting at 9:20 on Sunday Mornings in the Rector's Office.​

Stations of the Cross Mondays at 4:30 in the Sanctuary.

Book Club  Reading the Ungrateful Refugee on Mondays at 5 p.m. in the Kitchen.

Episcopal Church of the Nativity

333 Ellen Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903


© 2017 by The Epsicopal Church of the Nativity  

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