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Our Outreach Committee

Chaired by The Rev. Rebecca Morehouse, the committee meets annually and whenever there is a need to discuss outreach ministries, plan forums highlighting our ministries, receive incoming fundraising requests and make donations from the congregation's outreach funds.
Call Rev Rebecca  to get involved. 

Teen Success Breakfasts return.  Starting in January, St. Paul’s and Nativity will resume breakfasts for the Marin Community School on Las Gallinas.  We are looking for eight reliable volunteers to support the breakfasts.  Contact Rev. Christopher if you are interested in supporting this ministry.


Make bag lunches for the clients of St. Vincent de Paul.  Gather at St. Paul’s at 4 p.m. on September 18th.  For more information contact Mike Green: (415) 235-4234/

Charity of the Month in September will support the Sanctuary Forest.  You can donate online or by putting a check to Nativity or cash in our Charity of the Month box at the back of the church.  The Sanctuary Forest is a non-profit committed to preserving 15000 acres of temperate rainforest in the Mattole River watershed in Northern California.


Below are a few of the groups and programs we support on an ongoing basis:

Contacts: Kim Bromley   

Contact: Kim Bromley

Contact:  Nancy Barnes​

Contact:  Judy Richardson​

Episcopal Church of the Nativity

333 Ellen Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903


© 2017 by The Epsicopal Church of the Nativity  

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