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Serving on the vestry is a unique experience — similar to serving on secular, community boards in some ways, but different in other, important ways. The most obvious difference is that vestry members are first called to follow Christ and to work together in God’s name.


The vestry has a responsibility for ensuring that the spiritual mission of the church is maintained, as well as for carrying out the more secular duties related to church property, finances and personnel. The vestry functions under the concept of “shared ministry,” in which the rector and the vestry are part of an interdependent team that involves many other parishioners in a variety of leadership and supportive roles.


Ultimately, service on the vestry can be a joyful experience that enriches both one's spiritual life and one's feelings of connectedness with other vestry members, the rector and the entire church community.

Current (2025) Vestry Members:

Kim Bromley Senior Warden
Dick Heine, Junior Warden

Jim Huang, Clerk

Katy Kenney

Susan Pick

Kathy Schlegel

Yar Wei

Nina Woods

Ex Officio:

The Rev. Kirsten Snow Spalding, Rector (voting)

The Rev. Rebecca Morehouse, Deacon

Susan Monahan, Treasurer

Episcopal Church of the Nativity

333 Ellen Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903


© 2017 by The Epsicopal Church of the Nativity  

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